The "Nostradamus Effect" Series from the History Channel...
Examines how the claims & premonitions of Nostradamus have formed into fruition through modern times, cataclysms or coincidences? prophecy or lost in translation?
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 1 ▲ The Third Antichrist?
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 2 ▲ Da Vinci's Armageddon
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 3 ▲ Extinction 2012
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 4 ▲ Hitler's Blood Oath
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 5 ▲ The Apocolypse Code
Nostradamus Effect ∞ Ep. 6 ▲ Son of Nostradamus