Saturday 29 January 2011

Iraq Inquiry Neocons Iran Conflict: The Nuclear Anti-Matter ☣

The supremist/elitist angle on Middle Eastern conflict still won't sway. Despite the years of indisputable evidence against the Iraq War, the falsified justification via 9/11 & the comic book War on Terror.

The Western puppet Tony Blair reiterates shamelessly a hypocritical mass produced defense... all to maintain some link to an intervention in Iran, Nuclear facilities & the prospect of WMD's, mechanised deja vu.

Tehran links with Moscow via Istanbul, USA/UK being the Antagonist & China the Catalyst. Consciousness doesn't compute with wealth, by justifying ourselves numerically & valuing Oil & Uranium over life, greed becomes the Electron to Energy's Proton, structural Antimatter... we're an implosive race, but we're verging on the unequivocal loss of Humanity, for a robotic monitored H+ existence ☣

DMTilian ☣∞