Saturday 29 January 2011

Rick Strassman: The Mind Gate ♠ DMT, Egypt & Pineal Mysticism ♠ [HD]

Dr. Rick Strassman investigates Egyptian mythology & ideology on the afterlife, and the subsequent links to DMT [N,N-Dimethyltryptamine] production;

Descartes - "The Pineal is the Seat of the Soul"

Strassman embarked on the first human research with psychedelic, hallucinogenic, or entheogenic substances [mostly DMT] in the 1990s in the United States after 20 years' intermission in the field.

He proposes DMT is a substance produced within the pineal gland & an active ingredient in ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is any of the variations of applied psychedelics from the Banisteriopsis spp. vine, acquiring it's name from it Amazonian rainforest roots. A variety of 200-300 plants are within the practice of the Ayahuasceras.

The question remains whether Ayahuasca should be noted as singular, or if it should be noted as entire medicinal tradition alongside, Ayurveda or Tibetan Medicine...

DMTilian ♠