Saturday 29 January 2011

The Transhumanist [H+] Agenda & Eugenics ☣ PineaLux

Discussion on the Transhumanist [H+] Agenda & Techno-Eugenics w/ Alex Ansary & Tom Horn... ☣

Transhumanism was founded in 1957 by eugenicist Julian Huxley and the Rockefeller Foundation...

Eugenics and its by-product Transhumanism, strive to counter-intuitively move toward a neo-feudal, technocratic, new world order.

Transhumanism alludes to using applied science in the fields of genetics, as a rule though it's reverse engineering, since it simplifies our Organic process in a bid to control it... under the guise of 'steering human evolution into the future'.

A Transhumanist society will have, as its name implicates, 'transcended humanity', mechanising the definition only so it's condusive with the media onslaught of our Technical Revolution'.

Within transhumanism, Human beings must see a competitve equalisation with hyper-efficient worker chimeras, bio-robotic soldiers, and other purpose-made humanoid/android applications... remove the emotional process you remove the motive, even within full organics we'd become droids.

This system would not only rob your physical rights to independent living, but you will also be engineered to lose your very soul, the ability to harness your OWN ENERGY and your OWN LEARNING PROCESS.

Wealth lies in simplistics... there can be the Technical advance without dehumanising our race any further... this does no antiquated favours, it's all for control & profit, and it begins with TSA, then RFID then we encounter hindsight, don't let it get that far.
